You may be eligible for an advanced learning loan to cover all or part of the costs of your course with Mode.

Can I get an advanced learning loan?

To qualify for an advanced learning loan:

  • Firstly, you must be 19 or older on the first day of your course
  • Secondly, your course must be a level 3 or level 4 qualification
  • Finally, your course must be run by a training provider who is approved for advanced learning loans. Mode is an approved provider

How do I apply for an advanced learning loan?

1: To start, contact Mode to tell us which course you want to do

2: Then, make an application for the course you want to do – we’ll tell you how to do this

3: If you are successful, we’ll give you a learning and funding information letter – this proves you have a place on the course

4: Apply online for a loan from Student Finance England. They’ll ask you for information about Mode and the course you are going on. All this information is in your Learning and Funding Information Letter that we give you.

5:  Student Finance England will write and confirm whether your loan application has been successful. Assuming it has, they will pay us direct.


You will be on plan 5 as you have taken out an advanced learning loan. 

You only start making repayments when you earn more than £25,000 a year. Your annual repayment amount will be 9% of any income you earn over £25,000 per annum.

More information on repayments

Contact us for further information