Remote Education Offer
From the outset of the coronavirus pandemic. Wherever possible, Mode continued to provide face-to-face training. Always in line with the latest government guidance.
Where this was not possible. Our offer was adapted to online delivery. The online platform used was dependent on the sector and curriculum offered.
Vulnerable students
Additional support is in place to ensure those classed as vulnerable may attend the centre safely.
Future lockdowns
In the unlikely event of face-to-face training being unable to continue in the future, sessions may return to online. The decision will be made by the Senior Leadership Team and will take into consideration current government guidance.
Hybrid delivery moving forward
Course review post-pandemic identified hybrid delivery of some of our courses. This, not only suits the learner but also enhances the curriculum. Consequently, the guidance below will apply to the online element of delivery.
Hairdressing Apprenticeship
In the event of another lockdown, delivery will continue online via Teams.
Your tutor will deliver practical and theory sessions. Resources used will include:
- Membership to My Hairdresser
- Slide shows/ power points
- Assignments/workbooks
- Tutor demonstrations/workshops
- Industry specialists career guidance and support
- Online E Portfolio One File
- Formative assessments
All apprentices will be supported with “live” tutor sessions. Using your online portfolio OneFile and Teams. In addition, you will have access to e mail and telephone support from your tutor.
Photographs of your work will be used as formative assessment evidence. And, it can be used to show progress. And your ability in readiness for summative assessment.
Oral questioning/professional discussion will replace end of unit tests. This will allow all apprentices to continue to show progress.
Functional Skills
If you are working towards maths and english functional skills. Online sessions will be delivered alongside your hairdressing sessions.
Your sessions will be delivered via Teams sessions. Naturally occuring opportunities to improve your maths and english skills will be identified throughout your hairdressing sessions.
Functional skills delivery will be supported by:
- Slide shows
- Powerpoint presentations
- Workbooks
- Student tasks
All apprentices have access to support via their One File account. And tutor e mail and telephone support.
Skills Bootcamps
Your course will continue to be delivered via Teams both as group sessions and 1:1.
Depending on the level of your course. Sessions will take place 2/3 days per week.
Sessions will depend on which bootcamp you are enrolled on.
Enrichment sessions to all cohorts
Enrichment sessions will be a part of all students programme. Sessions are uploaded to OneFile and Google classroom. The sessions will include:
- Careers advice and guidance from industry specialists
- Safety Online
- Mental health awareness
- Wellbeing
- Drug and alcohol awareness
- Topical news items
Examinations for functional skills will continue to take place. Again in line with government guidance. And always adhering to government safety advice. In addition, all staff have ongoing safety training.
Sitting your functional skills exams on time will ensure you continue to make progress.
Social Media
Mode have in excess of 25,000 followers across social media platforms. Students are encouraged to tag and share their work. As a result, student engagement increases.
Online learning agreement for all online learning
Some or all of your learning may now take place online. Ultimately, this is a learning environment and the following rules should be followed:
The tutor will:
- Start the session on time
- Plan the session as they would a face to face session
- Dress appropriately and identify themselves at the beginning of the session
- Ensure resources are available
- Maintain control of the online session
- Follow all Mode policies and procedures, including safeguarding
Students will:
- Join sessions 5 minutes before start
- Participate fully in sessions
- Give full attention to sessions
- No mobile telephone, radio or TV on
- Show respect to tutors and fellow students
- Dress appropriately for a lesson
- Avoid the use of any offensive language or gestures
- Use video options as required for participation in the session
Online behaviours agreement
Whilst a Mode student, you are a representative of our organisation. We expect our students to behave respectfully and professionally and this extends to online. If posting online content, students should:
- Remain respectful
- Be tolerant of the beliefs of others
- Refrain from bullying
- Avoid spreading false information
- Protect themselves from harm
- Report any concerns
- Not alter any online content provided for the use of all students
Students without devices, connectivity or a suitable environment for learning
We have a laptop loan service. Wifi data dongles are available for students with no online connectivity.